[om] [IDEA] om urls

Paul Libbrecht paul at ags.uni-sb.de
Wed Jan 24 14:22:21 CET 2001


On Wednesday, January 24, 2001, at 01:22 PM, David Carlisle wrote:
> > Note however that huge URLs are getting more and more popular as the web 
> > evolves towards rich applications.  
> I see URLs that have form fields etc, but I've never seen the type of 
> URI that you'd be generating from megabytes (or even kilobytes) of OM 
> content. 

Well... I might be unreasonable, but I do not think an OpenMath object of more than 3Kb to be very common in an article like formulation...
But then, it could, indeed, be contained in a separate content (with possible reference problems we all know (has anyone ever tried to send a java-applet through email ?)).

> The problem of associating applications to XML vocabularies is general 
> and shouldn't be solved just for one vocabulary at a time. 
> If I have an XML file that includes OpenMath, SVG, MathML, XHTML, etc 
> then I want the browser to do "the right thing" on each fragment: keying 
> off the namespaces used. I don't want to have to encrypt parts into 
> URI encoded strings and hide them in attributes on linking elements. 

True... if you wait till they do it.

> >  it would need each open-math-object to be individually reachable (by 
> >  a request like protocol).   
> not necessarily, you could use the standard data: URI scheme 
> as in data:application/openmath+xml,stuff-here 
> data is supported in netscape, but unfortunately not yet in IE (last 
> time I checked) 

> Try the URI  
> data:text/html,<h1>hello</h1> 
> in a netscape location box, compare with 
> data:,<h1>hello</h1> 

Yes, that is exactly the comparable thing. True. 
Then an OM protocol would not be needed.

Except... indeed, it still doesn't in IE (5.0 MacOSXpB).
So the question might be on how much we can pressurize M$... 
a delicate question isn't it ??

So a real OM: protocol would be different to allow possible synchronization of CDs and related material (eg stylesheet parts, jome-properties)... this would be a protocol in the sense of MathWeb.

Thanks Sir David, you made my day.

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