[om] [please help] how to get Jome licensed ?

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Aug 29 15:19:58 CEST 2002

Dear OpenMathers,

Since more than two years, the Java OpenMath Editor has been a 
relatively mature product which was already demo-ed in the Calculemus 
(or ISSAC?) posters in Saint-Andrew's conference.

About a month after, I obtained from people concerned with it (Peter 
Sander, Marc Gaétano) the assurance that it should shortly be released 
under Mozilla Public License.
Since this time, I've been advocating Jome as a good solution for many 
applications, recommending it to anyone I could and even inserting 
descriptions in papers.

However, this time is more than two years old and Jome is still 
displayed, downloadable, without license, without source.
We have a (n inofficial) source, a product built on it but... no license.

Does anyone have sufficient contact to people in Nice (presumably Prof. 
Jean-Marc Fédou which was the thesis adviser) to manage pressure so that 
such a good product can finally find its way into usages.

This is yet another example of OpenMath realization which, because 
product delivery is not the common-business of University people, has 
made OpenMath a kind of ghost full of half-baked solutions that no-one 
really took care to use or try.

Thanks for your advice and/or support.

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