[om] Request: OpenMath C++ library

Olga Caprotti ocaprott at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Fri Aug 30 15:11:10 CEST 2002

Dear Stephane,

thank you. I could not find any link to the C++ library from the 
openmath.org site, the C library is linked.

> Believe it or not, but we already had this idea a couple of years ago... A
> C++ OpenMath library was a deliverable of the OpenMath European project. 
> This was based on the C library that we developped at INRIA. 
> Whether this library is still of any real use, I don't know. This was
> designed before the days of XML ruling the world and thus it only parses
> the strict XML subset of the OpenMath standard at that time (and also the
> binary encoding, of course). Most people these days seem to want to
> embed OpenMath in arbitrary pieces of XML or embed arbitrary pieces of XML
> inside the XML OpenMath encoding, meaning that they need a full XML
> parser. If this is the case, a better choice would be to make a wrapper
> around a good C XML library (such as the Gnome one, for example).

I believe that for CoCoA and LinBox the binary encoding is a more
interesting thing to have. The XML part  can be probably easily
taken care of with some available XML library as you suggested.


>     Stéphane.
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