[om] OM Floats (XML Representation)

Professor James Davenport jhd at cs.bath.ac.uk
Tue Dec 9 15:33:47 CET 2003

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, David Carlisle wrote:
>   It will also say, that, at the XML 
>   level, any two hex representations are equal (even NaN-valued ones),
> I don't understand what you mean here, the xsd representation of the hex
> attribute is a string constrained by the regexp [0-9A-Z]+ so equality
> (as far as xsd is concerned) is just string equality. Did you mean that
> (different) hex representations are _not_ equal for xsd? If so I aggree
> with that, and also with:
What I meant was that
XSD: forall x (hex representation) x=x
IEEE: forall x (IEEE representation) x not a NAN => x=x
                                     x a Nan => x/=x.

Sorry for clumsiness.
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