[om] Re: Bugs in OpenMath standard draft 3

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Tue Nov 25 10:37:04 CET 2003

  FMP = element FMP { text-or-om }

  surely a textual FMP is not very formal, I would have thought this shouldb

Yes I think this is just historical and could change for OM2, that FMPs
originallly took anything, but for some time I think they have only
really been used with Openmath. This would be a change from OM1 though
so not something I could do as an "editorial fix".

    CDStatus = element {"official" | "experimental" | "private" | "obsolete"}


   Role = element {"binder" | "attribution" | "semantic-attribution" |
  "error" | "default"}

Excellent suggestion. Of course this possibility of constraining element
content wasn't available in DTD, but since we've switched to Relax, we
may as well use its features!



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