[om] About OMV and indexing

Mike Dewar miked at nag.co.uk
Mon Jan 26 14:07:30 CET 2004

Hi Manfred,

I suspect that the proposal for indexed variables will be dropped from
the next draft.  There are subtle issues about equality and the people
who originally asked for it no longer need it.

The problem has always been that we want to be able to restrict the
second child of an OMBIND to be a list of variables and anything
starting with OMA is not a variable.  We could introduce other rules of
course but this would just complicate matters.

Cheers, Mike.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 01:50:44PM +0100, Manfred Riem wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been reading the latest draft for OpenMath2 at
>   http://www.openmath.org/cocoon/openmath/standard/om20/omstd20html.xml 
> and I was wondering how I should view indexed variables semantically? Is the
> index merely to be viewed as sugar to give it a nice rendering? If not, can
> anyone explain me how I should view it otherwise?
> If one would take a CS approach it would be an index into an array of
> OpenMath objects.
> If that is the case one could argue that it could be easily written as:
> <OMA>
>  <OMV name="i"/>
>  <OMI>1</OMI>
> </OMA>
> Where the variable 'i' then would be referring to an OpenMath 'vector/array'
> that has several elements. 
> Regards,
> Manfred.
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