[om] Naming convention of CDs

Mike Dewar miked at nag.co.uk
Tue Oct 19 15:52:24 CEST 2004

Hi Claire,

Once upon a time we tried to restrict ourselves to ISO9660 level 1
filenames but we gave up on that some time ago.  Looking at the existing
CDs we tend to use '_' to separate words but there are exceptions
("weylalgebra1").  For symbol names there are some guidelines in James
Davenports' report http://www.openmath.org/documents/writingCDs.pdf.

For searching CDs I use the index at
http://www.openmath.org/cdfiles2/cdindex.html .

Cheers, Mike.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 01:06:13AM -0400, Clare So wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Section 2.3 of the standard explains what is allowed in names.  It does
> not entail what the naming conventing is.  I do not have a strong 
> opinion on establishing a compulsory naming convention, but a clear
> guideline should help authors and users to create and use CDs efficiently.
> For example, one can search for existing CDs and OMS efficiently by not
> have to guess the naming convention (ie. "BesselJ" VS "bessel_j" VS 
> "Besselj"). 
> Clare 
> * Mike Dewar <miked at nag.co.uk> [2004-10-14 14:15] wrote:
> >  Hi Clare,
> >  
> >  There is some advice given in section 2.3 of the standard.  Personally
> >  I prefer to use underscores to split words but its not a very strong
> >  opinion.
> >  
> >  Mike.
> >  
> --
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