[om] units_ops1

W Naylor wn at cs.bath.ac.uk
Tue Jul 12 13:03:34 CEST 2005

Hi all,

the CD units_ops1 is incorrect, it holds one symbol: prefix which is 
supposed to state that the first argument is a prefix to the next which is 
a quantity. Curently it says:

"This symbol represents the fact that the subsequent unit has been 
effectively multiplied by 1,000 ($10^{3}$)"

which is actually just one application of it, (the one given in its 
example). This error I pointed out on Wed, 24 Sep 2003, with a suggested 
description of:

"This symbol represents the fact that the second argument (a unit) has 
been effectively multiplied by a constant specified by the first argument 
(a prefix)."

though maybe the word "unit" should be replaced with "quantity". It does 
seem however that the old erroneous CD has been reinstated. I hope this 
can be mended (again!),

all the best,


-                  Dr. W.A. Naylor
-                  http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/~wn
-                  http://orcca.on.ca/~bill
-                  work tel: +44 1225 386183
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