[Om] Binder arguments
Lars Hellström
Lars.Hellstrom at residenset.net
Sat Jun 13 17:28:52 CEST 2009
Here's another question I've encountered while examining how my needs
might be dressed in OM symbols. I think I know the answer already, but
it's still a good starting point for a discussion:
Why can binders only take one argument (last child of OMBIND,
which is specified to have exactly three children), when an
application is allowed any number of arguments?
An elementary case where one might want to do this is that of the
ordinary definite integral
\int_a^b f(x) \,dx
which one might expect to encode as something like
<OMS name="naive_integral"/> <!-- role: binder -->
<OMBVAR> <OMV name="x"/> </OMBVAR>
<OMV name="a"/>
<OMV name="b"/>
<OMA> <OMV name="f"/> <OMV name="x"/> </OMA>
were it not for said fact that a binder can (in OM2) only have one
argument, not the three of a, b, and f(x) as needed here.
There seems to be no technical reason for this restriction, as neither
the XML nor the binary OM encoding need invoke arity to parse a
binding; although the list of bound variables may be of any length,
these have a separate container element and are thus distinguished from
variables occurring as arguments of the binder. However, I suspect that
the answer to my question is that the (informal?) *prefix* notation for
OM objects does not have such a container, and therefore relies on
arity to tell what is what.
If memory serves, relaxations of OMBIND is one (the only?) change to
OM3 that is considered as needed to bring it in line with
Content-MathML3, but I don't know where I might have read that. Perhaps
someone else could elaborate on the current status of that issue?
Now, since previously my informal examples were misunderstood by some,
I suppose I'd better give you my real example this time. My reason to
consider defining a binder in the first place is that I want to encode
Abstract Index Notation expressions
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_index_notation), which is an
abstraction of the Einstein notation for tensors -- e.g.
C^i_k = A^i_j B^j_k
is a formula defining the matrix product C=BA. While the general
foundation for AIN is not the same as the coordinate view underlying
the Einstein notation, they still follow the same syntax, so we may for
simplicity think primarily about the latter; I assume it is at least
somewhat familiar.
First, some symbols would be needed to label a tensor with index
variables, but those are ordinary applications: one for attaching lists
of sub- and superscripts to the base symbol, and one (which could
perhaps be list1#list) for constructing such lists. It feels like I
would need no less than three binders, however:
1. The "invisible \sum" symbol that is so characteristic of the
Einstein notation; in the formula above it would be applied to the
right hand side and bind the variable j.
2. A "\bigwedge" or U+22C0 (n-ary logical and) symbol, that in less
formal writing might corresponds to a "for all i,k=1,...,n" clause put
after an equation; in the formula above it would thus be applied to the
application of equality and bind variables i and k.
3. An unlabeling symbol, that takes a labelled expression and turns it
back into an unlabeled tensor, binding the variables that were removed.
This is not used in the formula above, but could be used to put it more
on the form
C = [ A^i_j B^j_k ]_{i,k}
where the bracket forms the matrix whose entries are given by the
expression inside, incidentally binding i and k.
Now, the tricky thing about this third binder is that it needs to
encode more than just the body expression (A^i_j B^j_k) and what
variables were bound, it must also specify the lists of sub- and
superscripts that it covers. (In the case given, it is possible to
infer this information from the body, but that is not the case in
general. The main catch is that the order of the indices matter, and
there is both an order of subscripts and an order of superscripts that
need to be encoded.) My feeling is that the most natural way to encode
this is by giving these lists as two additional arguments of the
binder. But that wouldn't be valid OM (at least not OM2).
So, I had a look around to see how this problem had been solved for
other symbols, since there surely should be other binders with more
than just a body: at least integrals, sums, and products... But as it
turned out, there wasn't; binders are extremely rare among the official
and contributed CDs on openmath.org! As far as I can tell, there are only:
* quant1#forall
* quant1#exists
* directives1#find (return x such that P(x))
* ecc#SigmaType (I have no idea how this is used)
* fns1#lambda;
integrals, sums, products, and "set-of ... such-that ..." all seem to
be supposed to be rewritten using fns1#lambda, and thus functionalised.
I suppose a lambdification of formulae can be an ideological choice or
at least personal preference from core OM developers, but I sort-of get
the feeling that it might in part also be a consequence of the above
restriction that binders only take one argument. When you're only
allowed to have the body as argument, it gets rather difficult to encode
\sum_{k=1}^n a_k,
\prod_{k=1}^n a_k,
\int_a^b f(x) dx, or
\{ (x,x^2) | x \in \mathbb{Z}, x \equiv 1 (mod 3) \}
with a binder as the main symbol, as you have to stash away the
non-body arguments in some nonintuitive place. The rewrite to a
functional form probably seems preferable, even if it technically
wasn't what one had in mind! Furthermore the functionalised forms can
be rather artificial; a definite integral
\int_a^b f(x) dx
is supposed to be encoded as
<OMS cd="calculus1" name="defint"/>
<OMS cd="interval1" name="interval"/>
<OMV name="a"/>
<OMV name="b"/>
<OMS cd="fns1" name="lambda"/>
<OMBVAR><OMV name="x"/></OMBVAR>
<OMA><OMV name="f"/><OMV name="x"/></OMA>
which is rather some sort of
\int_{[a,b]} f
-- except that interval1#interval doesn't construct a set (which is
what one would expect) but rather some sort of "formal interval", as
\int{[a,b]} f = -\int_{[b,a]} f
is the very first FMP (of calculus1#defint!)...
Even if I had shared this preference for functional forms, I couldn't
use fns1#lambda here; the use of variables as abstract indices is not a
special case of variables in a function definition, even though they
sometimes coincide (e.g. for the Einstein notation). Indeed, the third
(unlabeling) binder mentioned above is very much a sibling of the
ordinary fns1#lambda, but cannot like it rely on the order of the
children of <BVAR> to provide all necessary information. (Come to think
of it, it's even kind of hackish that fns1#lambda can use <BVAR> order
this way, but that's the kind of "hack" needed to bootstrap a formalism.)
The solution I think I'll have to use is to split the unlabeling in
two: one binder that does the binding, and one application that bundles
up to naive arguments into a single body for the binder; it's workable,
and much better than the alternative of encoding this information with
semantic annotations, but still somewhat unintuitive. I'd really prefer
it if the "only one body" restriction on binders could be lifted.
Lars Hellström
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