[Om] Draft paper submission deadline extended (will not be extended further): TMFCS-09

John Edward jeedward at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 8 14:37:25 CET 2009

Draft paper submission deadline extended (will not be extended further): TMFCS-09 
*Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please forward to interested people.* 
The deadline for draft paper submission at the 2009 International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (TMFCS-09) (website: http://www.PromoteResearch.org ) is extended due to numerous requests from the authors. The conference will be held during July 13-16 2009 in Orlando, FL, USA. The conference will take place at the same time and venue where several other international conferences are taking place. The other conferences include: 
·         International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-09) 
·         International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (ARCS-09) 
·         International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics (BCBGC-09) 
·         International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-09) 
·         International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems (HPCNCS-09) 
·         International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP-09) 
·         International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology and Applications (RAITA-09) 
·         International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-09) 
·         International Conference on Theory and Applications of Computational Science (TACS-09) 
The website http://www.PromoteResearch.org contains more details. 
John Edward 
Publicity committee 

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