[Om] svn.openmath.org down

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Thu Mar 12 16:40:32 CET 2009

Good news,

the server is back.
You may need to re-checkout.


Le 12-mars-09 à 10:28, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :

> Hello OpenMathers,
> I am sorry for this downtime which is ongoing.
> It was actually restored yesterday evening but crashed again at 9:56  
> CET.
> We clearly have a some evil or incompatible client running there,  
> most probably not the command-line interface.
> Hints to potential clients would be really really useful!
>  http://jira.activemath.org/browse/CCIN-15
> thanks
> paul
> Le 27-févr.-09 à 23:14, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :
>> this is unfortunate indeed and has been such since Monday 16:00  
>> where, it seems, the repository has crashed. Actually that crash  
>> has caused a flurry of other crashes where the Apache serving this  
>> and many other services (including www.openmath.org) ran out of  
>> connections.
>> Could you look at the SWiM history to see if anything happened on  
>> Monday 16:00 CET?
>> Michael, at the trac history?
>> Could any of these systems be the cause of extremely long http  
>> connections?
>> Currently, it is offline.
>> As soon as we make sure to avoid this we'll be able to restore the  
>> repository.
>> Le 25-févr.-09 à 00:02, Christoph LANGE a écrit :
>>> svn.openmath.org is down, at least this has been the case since  
>>> today.  Is
>>> that probably related to klein.activemath.org?  (Well, maybe not,  
>>> as the
>>> latter has been down for a few more days.)
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