[Om] OpenMath in Wikipedia: was[Fwd: Problematic cases for inria parser]

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Fri Nov 20 21:56:36 CET 2009

2009-11-20 21:01 Professor James Davenport <jhd at cs.bath.ac.uk>:
> One of my students writes as foolows, and it is item 3 that worries me.
> Compared with OMSTD 2.0, the Wikipedia is wrong.
> Shall I just correct it?

Of course, go ahead!  You can feel at home in the article.  It is actually one
of us who is to blame for the mistake ;-)


Also feel free to enhance/improve/revise the article.  When you look into the
revision history you will see that a lot of its content has already been
provided by members of this list.



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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