[Om] Several Newbie Questions

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue Jul 6 10:02:45 CEST 2010

Hi Manuel,

2010-07-05 19:11 "Manuel Schölling" <Manuel.Schoelling at gmx.de>:
> - Is there any nice WYSIWYG editor for OpenMath?
> A java or Qt component would be great.

it's not exactly WYSIWYG nor Java or Qt, but I'd recommend to have a look at
Gemse (http://www.andonyar.com/rec/2008-12/gemse/), which is an editor for
Content MathML, including Strict Content MathML, which is merely a different
syntax of OpenMath, so to speak.

> - Do you think it would be a good idea to use XSLT to process OpenMath.

Well, of course, and in the OpenMath repository there are already some XSLTs
that you might be able to reuse.

OTOH the SCIEnce Java libraries should also be useful.

> I'm thinking of
>  - calculating the weak formulation of an equation

I'm not familiar with that, but if there is some CAS that can do it, it should
be OK.  There is OpenMath support for some of them.

>  - translating OpenMath functions into C/C++ source code

Could there be such a thing in the SCIEnce project?  (I don't know.)



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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