[Om] Request for feedback: Towards OpenMath CDs as Linked Data

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue Jun 22 09:56:12 CEST 2010

Dear community,

  lacking submissions for our upcoming workshop (which will take place
nevertheless, more informally, stay tuned for details), we canceled the formal

I have, however, written a regular paper, about a matter of of particular
concern to me: the publication of the OpenMath CDs as linked data.  I will
present this at the workshop.  Instead of the formal review, I would like to
ask you for informal feedback (rather on this list than by personal e-mail).
You can find the paper at http://arxiv.org/abs/1006.4057.

Cheers, and thanks in advance,


Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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