[Om] MSC for papers about MathML or OpenMath

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue May 8 12:27:46 CEST 2012

Dear Lars,

thanks for the help, I ended up with

68T30   Knowledge representation

that is probably as close as we can get for general OpenMath and MathML. 
Also I added

03C98   Applications of model theory

since it is about the "Semantics of OpenMath".


On 5/8/12 12:09 PM, Lars Hellström wrote:
> Michael Kohlhase skrev 2012-05-08 11.19:
>> Dear all,
>> I have been asked to provide a MSC (Math Subject Classification; see
>> http://ams.org/msc) class for a paper about OpenMath and MathML, and I am a
>> bit at a loss.
> I myself often feel that MSC categorises things in a rather odd way, not
> seldom ending up with some ???99 (None of the above, but in this category)
> class as best match.
>> The only thing that is remotely appliccable seems to be
>> 01-08 Computational methods
> Only if it is taking a historical perspective. (01-xx = History and biography)
> I'd say top level categories 03 (Mathematical logic and foundations) and 68
> (Computer science) may hold better matches for "OpenMath and MathML in general".
>> am I missing something?
> The MSC is very much organised by the type of mathematics done, so even if
> it may be hard to find an MSC code that covers OM in general, it may be
> feasible to find one for the application of OM in that particular paper.
> Lars Hellström
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  Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,        Office: Research 1, Room 168
  Professor of Computer Science  Campus Ring 1,
  Jacobs University Bremen           D-28759 Bremen, Germany
  tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140  skype: m.kohlhase
  m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

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