[Om] Bibliography; JEM homepage; CD notation format [Re: OpenMath bibliography]

Lars Hellström Lars.Hellstrom at residenset.net
Tue May 28 10:45:53 CEST 2013

Paul Libbrecht skrev 2013-05-27 23.47:
> On 27 mai 2013, at 23:41, Lars Hellström wrote:
>> So in practice it is files such as
>>   http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath3/xsl/cd/set1.xsl   [*]
>> which are used to assign notations to OM symbols? Is that documented anywhere? (One would think CD contibutors could benefit from knowing.)
>> [*] Except that /that file/ is in a probably obsolete hierarchy, and therefore is likely a possibly modified copy of an old version of the proper file, which I haven't been able to guess an URL for.
> That is documented here:
> 	http://www.openmath.org/software/index.html
> Under Stylesheets, the middle-bullet point.

Barely, at best; that how-to is somewhat unfinished. But at least it 
references what I take to be the authorative directory hierarchy.

> Most of the OpenMath site has been built by stylesheets that David Carlisle wrote.
> This is probably one of the big collections of them.

Although those stylesheets don't seem to be accompanied by much in the area 
of documentation (hardly even any comments /in/ them). And clearly there 
have been nontrivial decisions which went into the design of them; for 
example, I've spotted parts of a priority-based system for conditionally 
parenthesising subexpressions. I don't suppose there is some documentation 
of them elsewhere?

Lars Hellström

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