[Om] Symbol question: interval1:oriented_interval

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Tue Nov 6 12:36:53 CET 2018

On 05/11/2018 16:23, Deyan Ginev wrote:
> Dear OpenMath working group,
> I am uncertain if I should address this question to the OM team or the 
> w3c math list, but hopefully the member overlap makes this a non-issue.
> I am working on some infrastructure for representing integrals in strict 
> Content MathML (in the latexml software suite), and noticed a suggested 
> best practice in the official specification:
> https://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/chapter4.html#contm.domainofapplication.qualifier
> " If the head is int then oriented_interval is used. " - referring to a 
> symbol in the interval1 content dictionary.
> Strangely enough, following that link leads to a CD that contains no 
> such symbol. I am wondering whether the CD itself, or the Content MathML 
> specification examples need correction, but the discrepancy is 
> definitely confusing.
> Luckily the fully opaque "interval" symbol seems to be a good short-term 
> alternative in the meantime.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Deyan

Thanks for that report,

interval1 CD is supposed to have that symbol (and did at the time 
otherwise the MathML3 document would have failed link checking and not 
been published...)

I see a version with that symbol in the old svn but there appears to 
have been a regression in moving to git and the github based website.

I'll attach the version from the svn to this message, but clearly we 
need to investigate whether there has been a general regression or 
whether just this file slipped through the cracks.

Sorry about the confusion.



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