[Om3] svn.openmath.org is now opened

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Fri Jul 6 12:27:25 CEST 2007

Dear OpenMathers,

we have now opened the subversion repository http://svn.openmath.org/
This repository is in public read-access. Write access, based on  
digest-authentication, is granted to collaborating parties.

The repository is now populated as follows:
- OpenMath3, currently a simple copy of OpenMath2 to be a start for  
the work towards
- cd: currently the official CDs, maybe later all CDs being  
exchanged ? James? Maybe we need more structure here, e.g. one sub- 
directory per origin or status.
- cdgroups: currently all CD-groups
- sts: the types attached to the CDs (maybe move them inside CDs?)
- www: the xml source files for the www.openmath.org website,  
currently still has its own cd-collection
- wwwmass: the bulk of download data for www.openmath.org (21Mb,  
maybe lacking some parts)

The objective is to stimulate exchanges about the OpenMath3 standard  
as well as ease the contribution to the website.

This URL can browsed using a simple browser, which will present the  
last version. Subversion clients can, otherwise, be used to read the  
history or checkout and commit parts. See http://svn.tigris.org/.

Feedback welome.

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