[Om3] [Om] svn.openmath.org is now opened

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Mon Jul 9 12:28:44 CEST 2007


following discussions on om3.
We have re-organized the CD directory as follows:

- Official: contains all CDs in their form released by the latest  
OpenMath standard.
- OfficialDraft: contains current work into making the next version  
of the official content-dictionaries for the upcoming OpenMath  
standard. It currently contains a copy of Official but is current  
work of James and Michael, I think.
- experimental: contains all other content dictionaries submitted to  
us. They should be grouped into project or ownerships which should  
make management easier. Each project directory should, if applicable,  
contain a cd and sts directory and any other applicable file types.
Currently it contains a single sortme directory with CDs expected to  
reclaim paternity.

I would please request anyone to have a quicklook at the sortme  
and propose directory-names/project-names/author-names to be grouped  

thanks in advance.


PS: https://svn.openmath.org/ an also be used from now on.

Le 6 juil. 07 à 12:27, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :
> we have now opened the subversion repository http://svn.openmath.org/
> This repository is in public read-access. Write access, based on  
> digest-authentication, is granted to collaborating parties.
> The repository is now populated as follows:
> - OpenMath3, currently a simple copy of OpenMath2 to be a start for  
> the work towards
> - cd: currently the official CDs, maybe later all CDs being  
> exchanged ? James? Maybe we need more structure here, e.g. one sub- 
> directory per origin or status.
> - cdgroups: currently all CD-groups
> - sts: the types attached to the CDs (maybe move them inside CDs?)
> - www: the xml source files for the www.openmath.org website,  
> currently still has its own cd-collection
> - wwwmass: the bulk of download data for www.openmath.org (21Mb,  
> maybe lacking some parts)
> The objective is to stimulate exchanges about the OpenMath3  
> standard as well as ease the contribution to the website.
> This URL can browsed using a simple browser, which will present the  
> last version. Subversion clients can, otherwise, be used to read  
> the history or checkout and commit parts. See http://svn.tigris.org/.

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