[Om3] [Om] svn.openmath.org is now opened

James Davenport J.H.Davenport at bath.ac.uk
Mon Jul 9 16:19:36 CEST 2007

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, W Naylor wrote:
> dimensions1.ocd
> physical_consts1.ocd
> units_*.ocd
> should be grouped into a group/directory (are we talking CDGroups here?)
I don't think we are NECESSARILY talking CDGroups here.
> perhaps called physical_entitites. I further would prepose that dimension1
> should be split into primary dimensions and derived dimensions (I think
> this was suggested before - either James or Arjeh?) though there is some
> question as to which symbols should be the primary ones.
Not, I think, me. One could, but what's the point. A primary one would be
one with no FMP relating it to others, and it might be tedious to have to
remember whether a dimension was primary or not.
I think SI have defined which are primary, in the sense that they are
those for whihc the unit is fundamental.
> other groups I would suggest are:
> polynomials:
>From the CDGroup point of view, certainly.
Since they have been refereed, it is my view that they ought now to be
moved into Official (with the appropriate status change).


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