[Om3] [Om] units, was Re: svn.openmath.org is now opened

James Davenport J.H.Davenport at bath.ac.uk
Tue Jul 10 18:11:54 CEST 2007

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, Jan Willem Knopper wrote:
> W Naylor wrote:
> > perhaps called physical_entitites. I further would prepose that dimension1
> > should be split into primary dimensions and derived dimensions (I think
> > this was suggested before - either James or Arjeh?) though there is some
> > question as to which symbols should be the primary ones.
> >
> A possibility here would be to split the dimensions for the seven base
> SI units from the rest.
That's certainly true. However, is the gain (what gain?) worth it, since,
as I pointed out, you can tell by the absence of FMPs.
> Is it possible to add the SI derived unit radian (symbol:rad,
> dimension:angle) and the non SI unit degree (symbol: U+00B0, 1 degree=
> 2pi/360 rad) ?
Certainly. By analogy with time, I would suggest units_angle.
I'll try to find time to write it.

Would there be any support for the mil (mock-milliradian .0032/pi radian)?

James Davenport

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