[Om3] CDSignatures/@cd, CDSignatures/@type: how to resolve?

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Fri May 9 10:50:58 CEST 2008

> Something does seem to be wrong, but it may be my own ignorance.
> Let me ask a stupid question. When I say
> <OMS name="plus" cd ="arith1"/>
> I mean 'the standard arith1'. Can you refresh my memory on how that
> intention is implemented?

I think historically it was implemented by whatever your system wanted
to implement. There are good reasons for that, OM systems are not all
web facing, or even web aware. however OM2 did add a sort of hint that
you might want to generate URI out of a CD and symbol name, and OM3 (and
certainly MathML3) make that association rather more strongly.

I suspect that the simplest (and perhaps even best) thing to do is just
to specify that CD names are taken relative to the system's CDBase, and
then extend the signature file schema (currently omcdsig2.rnc) to allow
a CDBase element (as is already allowed in CDs) then to say that if you
are reading a signature file, then  CD base is as specified in the file,
or if it is not specified, some system-dependent knowledge, or a
default-default of http://www.openmath.org/cd.

> > Then @type="sts" would resolve to http://url/of/sts.ocd, and @cd="foo"
> I would seriously hope not - I would like it to refer to 'the standard
> sts' as with "arith1" above.

I don't think the CDbase should resolve automatically to the base URI of
the signature file.


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