[Om3] target K14 for reading content-math spec any realistic?

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue Sep 9 18:09:50 CEST 2008

Paul Libbrecht wrote:
>> how strongly, or simply, typed must it be?
> completely open question to my taste... as long as no tool-set is
> offered to help this.
> E.g. nothing can prevent you to take the arcsine of a matrix...
> Attempts at providing types exist but their implementation has been
> known to be quite difficult. Is this a critique to the feasibility of
> a BNF grammar as Robert wishes? Maybe.
I think that there was a consensus in the groups that types and
notations should be kept near the CDs, but not in them (since they are
optional to the whole framework). That is exactly what we do in the
current setup.

> paul
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