[om] OpenMath and Imaging

Vilya Harvey vilya at nag.co.uk
Tue Sep 28 19:01:46 CEST 1999

Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Vilya Harvey wrote:
> > It's a case of being able to walk before attempting to run, I
> > believe.
> I agree with Robert.  MINSE already solved most of the easy problems
> three years ago, including ones that MathML still fails to solve.

I was not referring to the state of mathematical rendering generally, but
to the particular situation of the person I had originally responded to.
In the same spirit I could ask why you bothered to solve "most of the easy
problems" 3 years ago, since they had already been solved before then. I
suspect that your response would be similar to mine... :-)

[snipped diatribe about MINSE >= MathML]
> Now explain how you're going to get a random user to see MathML in
> their favourite browser...

Two obvious answers: use the WebEQ applet (should work in any Java-enabled
browser now) or wait until the next release of Netscape and IE - at that
point both of the major mainstream web-browsers should have support for
MathML, so it is quite likely that the random users favourite browser will
be able to view it directly.

Vilya Harvey  <vilya at nag.co.uk>    Wilkinson House  Mob: +44  961 106 505
Computational Mathematics Group   Jordan Hill Road   Wk: +44 1865 511 245
NAG Limited                    Oxford  UK  OX2 8DR  Fax: +44 1865 311 205
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