[Om] Hello

Monika Machunik monika.machunik at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 02:47:20 CET 2009


I would like to subscribe to OpenMath discussion list - I don't know who to
ask for it.

I am working on master thesis in Computer Science which will include working
with OM objects. I have tried do push my work a little bit forward since I
read first information about Openmath, but I can't. I have many questions to

One of the questions is: how to use the XSLT validation sheet from
www.openmath.org page (http://www.openmath.org/cdfiles2/xsl/omvalidate.xsl)
in a Java application? EVERY library I tried to use (JAXP and some other,
based on it) says this stylesheet has syntax error here:

"<xsl:if test="* or not(. = '')">"

- how can I overcome this problem? Is the stylesheet wrong or am I wrong? If
it is because of the JAXP library, what other library can I use?

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